Sunday, January 1, 2017

Keto Kraze Daze Ahead

Starting a little before January 2017, I decided to return to a low carb, high fat way of eating.  I was very successful with this about four years back(2012), of course I was also training for a half marathon and running quite a bit.  At the time I ended the keto kraze way of eating, I was 170 pounds.  I had not been that weight since my early 20's when I met and married my wonderful husband, Mark.  I was able to fit into my wedding gown and all my aerobics clothes! I was going into a size 10 pants and wearing medium in tops.  Overall, I was feeling great, light, and free and so excited to be that weight again.  But as so often happens, the training after I ran the half marathon, life just seemed to return to a more "normal" feeling of living every day.  Before I knew it, the weight was creeping back on and I was about to start experiencing the joys of premenopausal effects in my body.  Well, let's just summarize that in the past four years, I have enjoyed walking, cycling, hiking, and running both long and short distances.  Weight training hasn't happened that much but I have tried to keep some ab work going here and there.  I haven't really been on any particular way of eating.  My body has been going through enough with all the hormonal/metabolism changes.  This last 4 months, I have been detoxing in many areas.  De-plasticzing the home and going back to glass/wood, ridding the home of chemicals, i.e.: mostly all cleaning products, and incorporating the use of essential oils.  I have also completely stopped using all my skin care products that were filled with chemicals that mask as "fake estrogen" in my body making it harder to normalize hormonally.  This has been quite a journey, I had so much plastic piled up on my deck when I had gone through every part of the home, simply amazed by how it had infiltrated my life in so many areas.  The first thing I noticed after this process was how "clean" the air in the home became. I had no idea how those chemicals from products sitting in plastic and plastic in general "leak" into your air and we breathe them without even smelling them anymore.  I am still amazed by this and have become even more sensitive to "smells" in general then I have ever been and I have one of those noses that knows, if you know what I mean.
The wonderful thing is that when I was looking for replacement products, especially my pots and pans as most of them were all teflon coated (very dangerous) I was able to go to our local thrift store and find everything I needed including some other products that I did not have and always wanted.  God is so Good! So, as I researched more and learned of all the ways we need to detox our lives, I was excited to undertake all the "new" of what can be in my life.  I am loving the results that I feel in my body, face, skin, hair, joints, and overall health in general!  I am continue to learn and improve in areas that I can as God shows me and my body tells me, it is such a blessing.
I have also been blessed with being able to have a massage/cupping once a month during this time that has helped to draw out toxins and impurities and, Lord willing, plan on continuing this through out my life.  My skin care regime is very simple, Braggs olive oil on my face/body and coconut oil based lotion.  Organic soaps made with readable ingredients, essential oils, and epsom salt/Braggs apple cider vinegar baths, love those!  I have been researching into sunscreens for the spring/summer time, but have found that zinc will most likely be in the product.  Now, about my physical the last four years my weight has gradually been creeping up and sliding down between 170-178, but with this last bout of menopause symptoms, I went up to 185 it seemed rather quickly and then in the last four months(through holidays) have landed at 191 being my highest recording.  I am feeling great though, hormonally feel the best I have ever felt since starting menopause, but needed to do something cause the weight in my middle was not looking too good(see picture below).  I started thinking about the keto way of eating/living and thought maybe I should give that another try, which leads me to now.  I am about a week into it and my last recording of weight was 186.  I believe my body is in ketosis, as I remember this feel from the last time and I have been keeping my carbs at 20 25 grams of carbohydrates and that is always key for me to start producing ketones so I can start burning my fat for fuel.  I am also using the rule to eat when hungry which seems to be a rule that all of us should practice as just a normal way of looking at food, as fuel nothing else.  I am feeling good and am taking a fitness class on Monday and Wednesdays, the rest of the days taking walks outside, nothing major, just listening to my body with how far I should go.  2017 is now upon us, and a new leg of life's journey is unfolding it's path before us and I am happy that my husband and I get to take these next steps together.  Lord willing, to be continued! Happy trails to you on your life journey!
Because of Jesus,
Purple Butterfly
The below picture was taken late September 2016 and one of the most unbecoming photos that shocked me into the reality that I was going to have to do something differently or I would be headed into the 200's before I knew it.  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Colleen, what's with all the running?

I realize some of you might be asking that question or maybe not, but thought I would answer it anyway.  Growing up in San Francisco I went to the San Francisco Ballet Academy and continued my dance into my teens and early 20's broadening my dance training to include modern and jazz.  From there I moved to Sacramento in the early 80's when aerobics was hitting the scene and I went for it. I became an instructor, freelanced on the side holding classes at lunch time in conference rooms for some businesses while working at a karate studio and a gymnastic academy with set classes.  Upon moving back to SF, I continued teaching at a gym in the downtown financial district for those who wanted a quick 30 minute workout during lunch and then worked set classes at a gym in Stonestown SF; remember the Fitness USA gym?  I loved my students and we would have the best time getting all sweaty together, pushing ourselves to be the best we could be while having so much fun.  I had a full class of regulars and they became like family.  Well, being in a gym I also took on the job of training others, helping them with a fitness plan and of course, selling membership plans.  I learned a lot about gym "life" and am thankful for all the knowledge I gleaned from so many great people.  But when I wasn't in the gym, I was running down on the beach, through the gorgeous trails in Golden Gate Park, or the many blocks in the avenues.  Not to mention, I pretty much walked everywhere in SF, as it is such a small city 7X7.  Running was what I did to 'relax and unwind' and I would run 2-3 times a week.
At 23, I met my husband and we were married at 24 and I had my first child at 25. Another child was born 2 years later and then we relocated to Central Oregon.  Skip forward some years to my third child, I am now teaching a small aerobic/fitness class for some sweet baptist church ladies a couple of days a week.  It was great fun and I loved getting back in the groove of 'workin' out'.  I was even a member of the Cascade Nautilus for a brief period.  Well, God saw that I would be having one more child and so I did.  

Being very active in our new home church in a couple of ministries, a leadership position, and also holding a part time job there as the church secretary, meant not much time left to balance taking care of a home, raising 4 children, homeschooling, being there for my husband, etc.  So, my love and passion for  being fit took a backseat or maybe even was put in the trunk, forgotten about.
Until about almost 3 years ago, a change happened in my life that caused me to reflect on quite a lot of deep personal "stuff"...not like the meaning of LIFE overall, but the meaning of MY life.  And as you go through that kind of stuff, you find things that you had forgotten all about or that you even knew you had still. There it was, in that deep trunk of "Who I Am" I found my passion for running and love for being fit.  So at almost 200 lbs., I activated my membership at Anytime Fitness and began.  

While getting ready for a yard/garage sale the other day, I found my wedding dress and some of the aerobic clothes I use to where.  I tried them on and was surprised that my wedding dress was a little looser on me than on that special day and my aerobic gear fit great! 
I know that was a very surreal day to relive that part of ME in a new way.  God puts all kind of "stuff" in us that causes us to be the person that we are, that stuff never leaves, it is still in that trunk, but oh the joy of lifting that lid and digging deep to rediscover those parts of who YOU are. Happy trails to you on your life journey!

Because of Jesus,
Purple Butterfly

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Recumbent for me long run for Mark

After my 3 mile run and Mark's 4.50 run yesterday, we all headed to Scout Lake for some swimming and sun.  We had a great time, the weather and water were just perfect! Today was Mark's long run on the treadmill 8.25 at 10.54 min. miles steady, he did excellent.  I was on the recumbent bike doing 18 miles with some 5lb. weights for arm exercises.  We did our upper body/core workout before our cardio (long run/recumbent bike).  Tomorrow Mark goes back to work and I have an easy 3 miler.  Thankful for this time in our lives and what we are accomplishing together <3.  Happy trails to you on your life journey!
Because of Jesus,
Purple Butterfly

Monday, July 23, 2012

Cross training and 2nd day rest update

I cannot emphasize how important rest days are but you do need to make sure you have enough of your protein drink in you so your body can really take advantage of recovering.  On Sunday(cross training) we headed out to the swimming pool for some lap swimming, aqua jogging, and jacuzzi time.  It felt wonderful; I have always loved swimming anyway.  Monday we improvised the training program due to Mark's work schedule, doing a complete upper body and core work out with cardio last.  Our cardios were; Me a hill workout on the treadmill 2.12 miles at 9.26 pace with 5 minutes of level 5 hill incline at 5.5 speed and a 10 minute level 12 elliptical.  Mark did a 4.50 miles at 9.13 (6.5) pace run on the treadmill.  He did excellent and I am so proud of him.  We are feeling GREAT, thank you JESUS <3. Keep the goal of your prize set before you as Paul said, always and every pressing forward towards it!  Happy trails to you on your life journey.

Because of Jesus,
Purple Butterfly

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Canyon run and upper body workout

Yesterday's rest day has come and gone and this morning I was ready to get out there and run for awhile.  I have been increasing my protein amounts and have started to feel the energy in my legs return.  I had a great run with my dear friend/sister Beth in the canyon 7.54 miles tip to tip and then went to the gym for my upper body workout (chest/biceps/triceps/shoulders/lats/core/etc.) I am home now and feel great, thank you Lord! Heading to the shower.  Tomorrow is cross training day. We are planning on hitting the pool for some lap swimming/aqua jogging and then relaxing in the jacuzzi.  Thankful for the ALL in this day.
Happy trails to you on your life journey!

Because of Jesus,
Purple Butterfly

Friday, July 20, 2012

The race to run my first marathon has begun!

Wow, I can't believe I actually decided to do this.  I was originally thinking I would wait and do one next year for my 50th year of life completed, but I really have been feeling like the time is now and to "Just do it" to quote Nike.  I had already decided about doing another half marathon and found the one in Sunriver (click on my upcoming races for info. on the side of this page) and since I will have been in training mode it only seemed natural to "go for it", to quote my Dad. So I did and now here I sit beginning to log this part of my life's journey.  I will be following a very well known, tried and true, training schedule Hal Higdon Novice-2-Marathon Training.  It seems like it will work out perfectly.  As excited as I am, it is hard for me to rest today, but it being Friday that is the plan.  I know these rest days are very important for my muscles to regenerate and become stronger. I will do my best to record all that I feel is important to reach this goal.  My husband Mark is thinking of joining me as well on this path and it will be all "firsts" for him too.  He has yet to do a half marathon but I know he will do great! Happy trails to you on your life journey!

Because of Jesus,
Purple Butterfly

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Let's hit the water!

The last couple of weeks I have been enjoying the rec. pool in our town with my husband and children. It sure has felt good and I have decided to include this as a weekly workout. I have always loved swimming and throughout the years of having recurring back injuries, the Lord and the pool have helped bring much healing to me. The jacuzzi feels wonderful after a good workout or run and I feel very blessed to have access to this delight! I thought I would share something that I found on Facebook as it ministered to me:
Happy trails to you on your life journey!

Because of Jesus,
Purple Butterfly